Team Details

Shane Brann

Business Analyst | Project Manager

Shane has more than 30 years’ experience in business transformation, large and small, helping them to achieve their objectives. Staring out in the Army he soon learnt his passion was leading people to success. His first business, a specialist engineering business, started as a sole operator working from home to having offices throughout Australia employing over 60 people and holding the position of the largest business of this type in Australia.


After the successful sale of this business, he moved to the healthcare sector joining a dental supply and service company as Director. Under his leadership the business was restructured, expanded geographically, staffing refined, head office relocated and significantly improved the financial performance. During 2021-22, the business was successful sold and it was time to use his experience and skills to help others succeed in business. Working as a volunteer business mentor for the Queensland Government has highlighted the need for consultants who are focused on the client’s needs to help them succeed.

Shane received recognition of his commitment to Quality Systems and was awarded for being the first company to achieve ISO accreditation for a sole trader.

In partnership with a software development company, Shane and his team developed and implemented a new managements system to streamline processes, improve transparency and profitability. Commercialization of the management system followed, led by Shane the software and processes were adopted by a number of businesses in various sectors.

Shane has always believed effective leaders must maintain a good work life balance. You will often find him pounding the foot path, running, hiking through national parks or chasing the little white ball around a golf course.